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week 1 of vacation

Poor Mya, this seems to be a pretty regular occurance. Luckily, she is pretty laid back.

The twin theme extends beyond my kiddos. Love it!

one week is done and because i have been so terrible at updating this blog, i'll do a week in review with a daily play by play.

monday--picked up my parents at the airport and literally went back to our apartment, emptied the trash, finished packing, picked up our dog and hit the road. it was crazy. i drove us too, which is even crazier considering i have never driven across country before. we drove to rochester, ny.

tuesday--hit the road again. drove all day. insane. kids did great.claire had one major meltdown around lunch time. it was awful. definitely a moment i was wishing chris was with me. my parents helped with mya while i dealt with claire. she ended up calming down in the car while the rest of the crew went to mcdonalds. i waited on the curb outside. it was great.  my dad took the first shift, while i took the second. i drove from somewhere in ohio through chicago to rockford, il. i talked with chris along the way, he asked who was going to drive through chicago and when i told him, i was, his response was 'oh my god.' i did an awesome job. it is pretty much like driving through boston, so i am not really sure what i was expecting.

wednesday--my dad drove the whole day. claire had a meltdown again. too much driving and not enough activity. we dropped my parents at their car at the airport and proceeded to bismarck to visit my sister and family. i drove my first 3 hours with the kiddos and dog by myself. it was tough as again, it was a long day. i had to stop half way to give mya her paci. the kids fell asleep and we finally arrived around 9:00. we were all thrilled to have arrived.

Olivia trying to coordinate my crazy dog and her bike riding skills. Not an easy match.Mya determining the winner of the race. The kids had a blast running my dog ragged.

thursday--i babysat my nieces and nephew. we played outside, throwing the ball to sophie and enjoyed lunch at space aliens. the crazy waiter thought i was the momma to all five kiddos. i am sure i was quite the sight. thankfully, all behaved so well. we went to luke's baseball game. jessica and nate arrived later that night when we were asleep.

friday--nate, jessica and i watched all the kiddos. the kiddso had fun with the water and caused trouble among everyone. claire got in on the action, attempting to throw a water balloon at her uncle nate. he as a great sport and moved into harm's way. she was tickled. nate offered to watch all the kids while my sisters and i did a bit of shopping. i took mya with me as i know what a handful four kids can be let alone five. my parents arrived later that afternoon. more water fun followed.

saturday--the guys went golfing, while the ladies and kids went shopping. we went to an art in the park festival where we bought a huge bag of popcorn. claire and mya were in heaven. it was yummy. phil and nate put up the trampoline or "jumpy jump" as claire likes to call it. she is having a blast playing with all of the kids' toys--scooters, jumpy jumps, nintendo ds, and games galore. she is in heaven.

sunday--we went to the fourth of july parade in mandan. claire was a pretty passive candy getter, relying on the goodness of luke and olivia to supply her with the goods, but caught on at the end. it was really hot--90's, so when the popsicles were given out, we all devoured them. we had a yummy dinner of bbq ribs, potatoes and salads. the ribs were really the best. chris would have loved them. we played basketball, went for ice cream, then proceeded to watch the fireworks at the capitol. it was a lovely night.

monday--my parents and jessica and nate left for home. before jessica left, she gave claire her birthday present from them. claire was thrilled. she got the vacuum that she has long desired. she definitely takes after her mom as the only thing i wanted for my 31st birthday was my dyson vacuum. claire has been vacuuming everything in sight. she's loving her new machine. i decided we'd stay until wednesday, so we spend a few hours at the zoo. claire loved the train ride, feeding the goats and running through the tunnels leading to the leopard, tigers and prairie dogs. they were definitely the high light to her visit. we also went to watch luke's baseball team win in the first round of the playoffs. he did a great job on 3rd base and shortstop, even scoring a run. claire and mya were good little spectators, moving from person to person and eating several snacks.

claire obviously not messing around. jessica and
nate were big targets (deservingly so.) 
piano fun. claire has been asking for a piano for some time, so she was thrilled to see one at bothboth her grammy and papa's as well as my sister's house.
my mom and mya hanging out.
claire showing off her 4th of july hairdo done by her personal stylist--auntie jessica.
phil, lisa, olivia, luke and ava

me and my girls

jessica and nate

claire and mya

waiting for the parade

my mom and mya
uncle nate and mya
uncle phil and claire
my mom, lisa and ava
claire picking up candy with some help from her cousins.
luke waiting on third.
luke running into home.


Anonymous said…
Wish I was included in those matching outfits, lol. Yes I noticed! Instead, I was working to better the lives of many elderly individuals. However, the fourth just wasn't the same without you all.

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