this whole process has been a long one. super long. i applied back in may, emailed the principal through june, interviewed in july, was hired the beginning of august and have waited for our beloved passports since august 5th. (not that i am keeping track--oh yes i am!) i have a daily routine of waking up, haunting calling the passport specialist every morning, and doing a wrap up call to him at the end of the day (interestingly, he doesn't answer his phone in the afternoon anymore--do you think it is because of me?) anyway, i called this morning. he said, "your passports will be in your hands today!" i quoted him because his words were just that memorable. i mean really, could this long, monotonous journey actually end this week? yippee!! now we will go to the apartment, stalk the fed ex guy and mosey over to the base to line up our travel and car shipping details. i am super excited. i cannot wait to get this in motion. it feels like i have simply been treading water for the past month and i am so ready to be rescued. so here's to throwing me a stick or life saving ring (i know there is a technical name for those, having been a lifeguard, but that is a prime example as to why i need an exit from this situation--my brain is turning to mush.) the end is in sight. yippee!!
The Halloween festivities are in full swing here. We attended a "Fall Festival" at my school on Thursday evening and today we enjoyed a "fall festival" at the girls' school. We've managed to keep their costumes a secret until Wednesday when Claire spilled the beans. She was doing so well at keeping the secret, I almost thought she wasn't our child for awhile ;) Claire dressed as "Pinkalicious" and Mya was a cupcake. My Mom and Dad bought Claire the book, "Pinkalicious" for her first birthday. It has been an on-going hit with our girls. They both have the entire book memorized. It is such a cute book where this girl named "Pinkalicious" loves pink. She eats too many pink cupcakes and turns pink, which she is thinks is simply beautiful then red, which is less than favorable. She eats her vegetables to turn alleviate her pain. In the meantime, her little brother is envious and devours the last one, then turns pink too. It is a ...
We were going to make a mad dash down to see you and the girls before you leave but didn't want to add to your stress or the awkwardness of goodbyes (which I don't like either). Since we can keep in touch via blogs and e-mails it doesn't really seem like you will be gone since we haven't seen you in person in TOO LONG!!! Im so happy to hear that things are panning out for you (and you too Chris). Stay healthy and if you need anything from Target shipped - just let us know :)