having only done one move with the military before, i did a bit of research and gathered some advice. casey at the ever changing life offered an entire blog post to her suggestions to prepare for moves. i took some of that advice.
1. i washed and bagged in huge ziploc bags bedding, curtains, and other linens.
funny faces. moving day! |
2. separated all our household goods and all important documents.
3. packed in 6 suitcases/bags our clothes, toys and other necessary items for the next 3 months.
4. i documented serial numbers of all major electronics.
5. took photos and videos of all large items (furniture, etc.)
6. while the packers were working, i made sure EVERYTHING was wrapped. they tried to load the step 2 toy kitchen without wrapping and a few other oddly shaped items, but i stepped in. just wanted to be safe.
carry on and checked baggage |
life as squatters. i tried to confine us to my bedroom in order to keep the rest of the apartment as clean as possible. glad that is over. a week was far too long. |
household goods