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"Sophie"-- a remake of "Annie"

Ok, so we are all familiar with "Annie." It is kind of ironic as Claire and I actually went to the musical this summer in Bismarck with my sister's family. Anyway, orphan girl is on loan to Daddy Warbucks while looking for her real home and parents. She can't believe the world that has been opened to her, but still searches on for the thing that matters most---unconditional love. In the meantime, Daddy Warbucks offers a reward which motivates Rooster and Lily to claim Annie as their own. Money is the root of all evil as they say. Flash forward to "Sophie." Chris and I have faultered back and forth about what to do with this dog from the day we got her. We have a love hate relationship. We love her, but I hate the dog hair that covers our floors. As a compromise, Sophie stayed and I got a Dyson vacuum. Things are more tolerable on that end if I can find the time to vacuum daily. Ha. The dog has energy. She needs to run and play. As a compromise, we sent her to doggie daycare Monday thru Friday. It was a godsend and well worth the money although people tend to look at us like we are crazy when we share this tidbit. Since we found out about our impending move, we've been going back and forth about her again. Strangely, I find myself saying we should keep her and Chris is saying rehome. The biggest issue is that we truly want what is best for her. Korea is far from dog friendly. We will have a house with a small yard, which is an anomoly, but she won't have doggie daycare. Not to mention the 16 hour flight there and back. I am a big believer in signs from God. We decided that we would make a full hearted effort to find her a better home. If we did, then it was meant to be. If we didn't, again, it was meant to be. I placed an ad in our paper in ND, I put up a note on facebook as did a couple of friends/sisters and a few emails were sent. All in all, a strong effort. No one was really interested until Friday. Keep in mind, I was supposed to leave to return to MA on Saturday. Anyway, I listened to voicemail after voicemail describing the life Sophie would have. Each seemed to be adequate, but not what I had in mind for her--until....Gloria aka "Lily." She called three times in a row and I finally decided to answer on the fourth. She painted the perfect picture--inside dog, 2 playmates, husband, wife and 2 college aged boys, big fenced in back yard, particular attention to ears and teeth brushing, a raw diet from a natural health food store, on and on. Perfect. Definitely a sign from God--right? Tears flowed, but I agreed. We dropped her off on Saturday. The house was small and yard was groomed, but nothing worth much. As i saw their tattooed bodies and toothless mouth on Royce aka "Rooster" (don't get me started on that!), I reminded myself that you don't need a lot of money to love a dog. Anyway, I left after a long, tearful good-bye. It was AWFUL! Gloria asked for a phone number in case she had questions or something came up, so I gave her my Mom's cell. My Mom was thrilled to get 3 phone calls over the next 12 hours. We were quickly convinced that Gloria was looney! My Mom passed on my phone number and I listened to Gloria go on and on about how sophie wouldn't eat, wasn't doing well, was showing signs of stress and would need to go to the vet. She said how she'd hate to give her back, but she doesn't have money for a vet right now. However, maybe we can work that out?!! This is like the reward money in Annie if you are having difficulty following. Anyway, I told her to do what she thinks and let me know. I quickly called my Mom who immediately said that she'd drive to Fargo and get Sophie. She also said that she and my Dad would keep her for the 2 years or until we are able to get her over to Korea. She has a heart of gold that woman. I called Gloria to tell her the news and her tone changed. She tried to tell me that Sophie was fine. WHAT??!! You just called me freaking out and trying to basically extort money from me, but now she is fine? UGH. An hour later her husband, Rooster, called me to also say Sophie was fine and that there was no need for anyone to pick her up. She could stay right there. Hell NO!! My Mom rescued the dog. She said Sophie was sitting by the fence waiting and got excited when she saw her. I am certain was thinking she was being subjected to hell while living with the crazy people.Sophie is living with her fairy god mother or Mommy Warbucks for now. Amen. Lesson to self--signs from God can be misinterpreted!


Unknown said…
I'm glad you were able to get your puppy back! I wouldn't have been comfortable leaving my dog with them by what you described. Glad everything worked out:)
Erin said…
ohy Kara!!!!! Not that you needed that but Mom and Dad are truly miracles. We would have taken Sophie in a heartbeat but we just didn't have the time or ability to take such a big dog right now :(. I was so worried about what you would do - I am so glad that things worked out for everyone!

If you need someone to fly with Sophie to Korea - I'll volunteer! We can stuff my suitcase full of Magic Erasers, Old Navy clothes for kids, and other things from home :)

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