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Our week in review...

my new flip flops. polkadots. love them.

beautiful girl with a second battle wound. compliments of mya. love that.

lisa thought i should post a picture of myself, but can't quite get it done. this is as good as it gets for now. ha.

manual practice.

more practice with mya doing her kissing face. she is too cute. miss thang puckers right up with her little cheeks sucked in. love that adorableness.

practicing again. trying to have her cooperate for pictures is a continual battle.

doing the lisa dance to some taylor swift. hee hee. love those fingers.
PHew. One more week to go until Chris comes back. Thank goodness. I have told him repeatedly that he has no worries--I won't be divorcing him until our kids are at least 17. I certainly don't want to be a full-time single parent ;) I'll take his long work hours, minimal availability to no availability any time ;) The extra body and change of scenery does wonders for our kiddos. Sundays have been the most difficult day each week. I was convinced it was because we don't typically go out and about and are locked in the house, looking at each other all day long. I was obviously mistaken. Mya was battling a low grade fever all week. No idea what that was about, but I couldn't stay home with her until Friday as we were in the midst of national standardized testing, which makes work a must. I did end up keeping them both home on Friday. I think we would have all been better off at work/school. It was one of THOSE days if you know what I mean. Tough! Saturday was great. We did the usual, errands, commissary, bx, naps, long walk, multiple playgrounds, etc. It was good. The weather was gorgeous, so an outside day was necessary. Sunday we had a birthday party. It was also good. It was for Lana, Claire's best bud at school. It was a Pinkalicious party, so the girls all got tutus, magic wands, and decorated their own cupcakes. It was a hit. However, I was bombarded with 3, I repeat 3 invitations on Wednesday at her school. I've decided I need to stock up on some birthday gifts so I can give something other than bx treasures, which every kid basically has. I took care of that today. Shopping = fun. Otherwise, we enjoyed some afternoon time outside. THe kids were fascinated with the umbrella to our table and I played around a bit with my camera. I even shot some MANUAL!! Amazing! All in all, I am trying my best to treasure my girl time, but still cannot wait to have my husband back. I miss the adult interaction--he's not a phone talker at all, but does better in person! ha.


Anonymous said…
Love the flip flops and especially the imitation of my dancing! Now that I am taking Zumba classes...will try to incorporate that into my dance moves! Good luck trying to imitate that! Hard to see how good you look on that pic Kara, ask Claire to take one!
Anonymous said…
The Lisa dance looked pretty accurate to me. The flip flops are cute. What is Mya doing to Claire--looks like she is finally getting revenge after all the torture she has sustained. Hope this week goes quickly for are a great little mama that's for sure!

Love ya,
Kara said…
I thought the Lisa dance looked quite accurate too. Almost scary since that would/could lead one to believe it is in her blood. She is a little mover and a shaker (Mya, I mean, although Lisa is too.). Can't wait for you to see her personality. She is definitely the dare devil and potentially the one we will be pulling off the tabletops/speakers (I think that was where Lisa preferred! ;)
Regarding Claire's battle wounds...yes, Mya is definitely seeking revenge. I am just thanking my lucky stars that Claire doesn't fight back. I would then have a war to contend with! Oiy. I show the battle scars and kid about their naughty ways, but they really are truly great kids. We are very lucky. I recognize how well behaved they are each time I take them out in public and see the majority that don't compare. I'll have to keep having more if we keep getting this lucky ;)
Erin said…
Love that you are keeping up with the blog again. I have been terrible at it but we don't have too much going on as its the flip flops! I have to convince Josh to let me purchase new ones this year - he threw away a bunch of mine saying they were "ratty" :)
Anonymous said…
Hi Kara,

I like your flip flops, you seem smaller in the window picture or is Claire getting bigger?? The girls look good. Sounds like you had a nice weekend.

Alison said…
Looking skinny, Mama!!
Kara said…
ahh thanks, alison. it is a work in progress. i actually ordered new swimsuits a couple of weeks ago. the hunt reminded me of a conversation from last spring regarding delta burke's swimdress. yummy! trying to embrace the visit to my old self and wear as many of my smaller clothes as possible.miss you like crazy and i can't wait to see the news of that delicious baby!

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