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Hit Hard!

Poor Mya has been battling a groggy throat for the past few weeks. Dr. Mom has examined her throat and determined she has some mega huge tonsils. She doesn't seem to have any other symptoms aside from an occasional cough and her gasping for air, which we think is due to those 2 golf balls in her throat. She doesn't complain of anything. I asked her if her throat hurt and she said no.  After weeks of hemming and hawing, I called the doctor on Monday with the intent to beg and plead for an ENT referral. I don't hold much faith in the military medical profession. Sadly, the pediatrician in Korea was less than stellar and my own experiences here, have left major holes in my faith. We went to the appointment and were graced with Dr. Flake who is my new love. He is AMAZZIINNGG! I would love to have him be our kids' Primary Care Manager, but he is a Developmental Pediatrician, so it is likely that will not happen. He was fabulous though. He has a great bedside manner, gets down to the kids' level, talks in a calm, soothing voice that makes even the jumpiest of children become putty in his hands (Mya is that jumpy child). We left that appointment with a referral to the ENT, 3 medications and a big fat diagnosis of Strep throat! Yep. Surprise! Poor kid. I felt awful. I've had strep and know how miserable it is. This poor child has had it for who knows how long and just kept kicking along. UGH. Anyway, she is on the mend.
We had to stay home Tuesday as she was still consider contagious and apparently she was. I started to experience the chills with a sore throat Tuesday night. Terrible timing as we had to pack, bake a cake for Claire's alphabet feast at school and get ready to go. It was awful. Thankfully Chris picked up my slack and attempted the cake, which he ended up purchasing later, so you can see how that faired, handled dinner and the kids, while I went to bed and slept for 12 hours. I woke up feeling a bit better, but my throat felt worse. I knew I had better make an appointment as I feared experiencing Switzerland from a hotel bed. I went to the doctor, dragging Mya with me, and had a strep test done. It too, came back positive! 2 days later, I started to feel better. My throat is tolerable again and I can eat without feeling like I am forcing a baseball down my throat. Ahhh, the love for antibiotics is ruminating.
Dare I report that Claire now has a stuffy nose and Chris is a bit congested as well? Hopefully illness will make one fell swoop through our family and not rear its ugly head for sometime.

Mya has her appointment with the ENT, whom I've hand selected, on Friday. We'll see the outcome of then.


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