Dear old Pedro Jones finally arrived at our house. Santa has been sending elves to our house every year for the past 3 years. They come and watch our children, then report back to Santa whether they have been "naughty" or "nice." The elves of years past have been pretty calm and boring. They hide in crazy places, but have behaved themselves in our company. This one, Pedro Jones, is another story. He is already trouble. This is what we awoke to this morning....
The little bugger broke out of the box by himself, found my sugar, apparently thinking it was snow and began having some snow angel fun! The girls were aghast! They couldn't believe his behavior, yet repeatedly tried to convince me that he wasn't a naughty elf. This could be a long 30 days....
Hopefully I didn't freak you out when I recognized you! I can't say I've ever run into anyone I've blogged stalked before :) You're my first. I really should get better at photographing our Pedro Jones. He is quite the guy. However, I sadly admit that half the time, he doesn't quite take his new place until it is too late. My oldest actually woke up this morning to find him rocking out with the snowman at the piano as she had found him yesterday morning. Good thing Pedro is fast. he stealthily moved to the macaroni box in the pantry for a game of hide and seek. We've got to get better at this! I am totally doing the marshmallow spa tomorrow. Love it!
Love ya, j