I like to inflict pain challenge myself. I am slightly weird like that. I enjoy competitions. I like to see how long I will last. Because my last proposed challenge (no blogging, facebook, etsy, etc.) blew up in my face, I searched for a new, fresh idea. As I've stated before, Chris and I are working very hard at using our time in Germany as one to acheive financial independence--no car payments, no student loans, no credit cards, NO DEBT, but a whole lot of moolah in our bank account. We are well on our way. We've paid our last credit card bill and savings is growing. We're tackling our car payment next. He is the master behind this plan with some "logical input" from Muah! He's doing a great job and I am very thankful that he has handled it all. I hate numbers. I hate budgets. I love money. I love to shop! That brings me to my latest plan. I am joining a random blog I stumbled upon--jennyonthespot.com. She and her friend have challenged themselves to not buy clothes or accessories in 2013. Techincally, I've already failed. Loft was having a killer sale earlier this month :) Anyway, I am starting today. No more clothes shopping for Kara. Hopefully I can hold out. I have set my goal for June barring any interruptions. If the stars align and I get pregnant, I may have to adjust my dates. I am not sure what the maternity spring/summer wardrobe looks like anymore. So, say a few prayers. Our bank account and my husband will thank you. I'll keep you posted on my latest wave of craziness.
You wanted it, you asked for it, so here it is. A post. Hopefully this post will satisfy all your desires. I am not writing about the apple of my eye, Claire, but of the other apple of my eye--reality tv. I love it! Right now I am getting my fill of Big Brother. I have even lured Chris into my dark place. He mostly watched last season because Dick was such a jerk, but Chris is hooked. He's a dedicated viewer once again this season. Sadly, he was a fan of Matty who was kicked off a few weeks ago. I don't think I have a favorite. I find them all to be so obnoxious, yet I watch. Go figure. I obviously need some more excitement in my life. Girls who wear butt showing shorts, screaming matches, verbal abuse, crazy eyes, back stabbing, boys running around in their colored tighty whiteys (if tighty whiteys are colored, are they still called tighty whiteys?)---all in one episode! It is a gold mine. My second can't miss show is Housewives of Orange County or New York City. I really ...
Love ya, j
Good luck my sista!