I haven't been to Sunday school type gathering since I was confirmed in 9th grade. Well, I guess that isn't entirely true. I was active in Youth group through my Senior year of high school. Regardless, that was well, over, (cough, cough), 15 years ago! Yikes! That was so long ago, yet it seems like yesterday! Anyway, guess where I am going tonight???? duh duh duh dahhhh.....bible study. PWOC (Protestant Women of the Church) to be exact. I've been itching to join some kind of bible for awhile now, but I am definitely a comfort in numbers kind of person. My "soon to be, new, but she doesn't know it yet, BFF" started going earlier this fall and she loves it. We have a very similar background and our husbands seem to be on the same level as far as their feelings on the subject go. There are something like 3000 Americans in this area, but the bible study only had something like 8 ladies attend. Those are my kind of numbers, but only if I can sit quietly and take it all in. Tara (my "soon to be, new, but she doesn't know it yet, BFF") told me a kind of funny story of one of her first experiences. I'll share because that's what middle children do. After dinner, prayers begin. Being new, she didn't really know the ropes yet. She was slightly uncomfortable as she isn't into such an open worship. A few people shared their prayers then it was silent. Tara interpreted that silence as a time to wait for those who haven't shared to jump on in. Tara mustered up the courage and prayed aloud. She said she could have died. She said people were praying for loved ones suffering from cancer, those encountering death, true hardships and here she was taking up a line with God to pray for her perfectly healthy family. Needless to say, she's never prayed aloud in the group again. I won't be either. I could say prayers of thanks, I suppose, but I'll save those for my private conversations with God. So, with that, I'll breathe in and breathe out and convince myself to face my social anxiety (yes, Lisa, I know you understand what I'm saying) and walk through that door tonight.
The Halloween festivities are in full swing here. We attended a "Fall Festival" at my school on Thursday evening and today we enjoyed a "fall festival" at the girls' school. We've managed to keep their costumes a secret until Wednesday when Claire spilled the beans. She was doing so well at keeping the secret, I almost thought she wasn't our child for awhile ;) Claire dressed as "Pinkalicious" and Mya was a cupcake. My Mom and Dad bought Claire the book, "Pinkalicious" for her first birthday. It has been an on-going hit with our girls. They both have the entire book memorized. It is such a cute book where this girl named "Pinkalicious" loves pink. She eats too many pink cupcakes and turns pink, which she is thinks is simply beautiful then red, which is less than favorable. She eats her vegetables to turn alleviate her pain. In the meantime, her little brother is envious and devours the last one, then turns pink too. It is a ...
Love ya, j