good things come to those who wait. in this case it may be better stated as a great thing. in the form of a guy. nate. my younger sister, jessica, called last night with such excitement in her voice to share the news of their engagement. we are very happy for them. they are so obviously in love that it kind of makes you nauseous. ok, not really nauseous, but it takes you back to when a relationship is new and fresh, not that ours is old and stale. i think you get what i'm saying. they are a great match and are certain to have a life filled with unending love, happiness and laughter--possibly at jessica's expense (keep putting shopping bags with clothing in the refridgerator and blame the store for not giving you the bags and you'll have never ending laughs). congratulations to nate and one of the greatest friends/sisters a girl could ask for. we love you both!
good things come to those who wait. in this case it may be better stated as a great thing. in the form of a guy. nate. my younger sister, jessica, called last night with such excitement in her voice to share the news of their engagement. we are very happy for them. they are so obviously in love that it kind of makes you nauseous. ok, not really nauseous, but it takes you back to when a relationship is new and fresh, not that ours is old and stale. i think you get what i'm saying. they are a great match and are certain to have a life filled with unending love, happiness and laughter--possibly at jessica's expense (keep putting shopping bags with clothing in the refridgerator and blame the store for not giving you the bags and you'll have never ending laughs). congratulations to nate and one of the greatest friends/sisters a girl could ask for. we love you both!
Thanks again!
PS anything to get you to see us again this year!