mya rolled over from her tummy to her back going to the right side yesterday and just did her tummy to back leaning to the left side a few minutes ago. i forget how amazing it is to see all these "firsts." it is pretty incredible.
we said bye-bye to claire's paci last night--officially. we had planned on having a bye bye paci party when she turned two, but with our impending drive, flights and vacation, i needed to have the security of her happiness in the form of her paci. so instead of getting rid of it altogether, she has just had her paci at night for the past month or so. i had planned on "losing" it prior to going back to work, but someone got to it before i could do so. i couldn't find it last night at bedtime, so it was time. she did quite well. cried for a bit, but got over it. this morning she tried to swipe mya's one time, but thankfully i was there to stop her. we've already survived a nap without the beloved paci too, so things are going well.
as if putting a kabosh to the paci isn't enough, i decided to seriously begin potty training now that things have calmed down and we will be home for the forseeable near future. yesterday was tough. she'd go potty 5 minutes after i had her on the toilet, but today is a different story. she has gone 4 times with only 1 accident to speak of. i am pretty pleased. we are strictly using big girl panties with no pull-ups. so far it is good motivation for her. hopefully this success continues. it would be nice to only have one in diapers.
we said bye-bye to claire's paci last night--officially. we had planned on having a bye bye paci party when she turned two, but with our impending drive, flights and vacation, i needed to have the security of her happiness in the form of her paci. so instead of getting rid of it altogether, she has just had her paci at night for the past month or so. i had planned on "losing" it prior to going back to work, but someone got to it before i could do so. i couldn't find it last night at bedtime, so it was time. she did quite well. cried for a bit, but got over it. this morning she tried to swipe mya's one time, but thankfully i was there to stop her. we've already survived a nap without the beloved paci too, so things are going well.
as if putting a kabosh to the paci isn't enough, i decided to seriously begin potty training now that things have calmed down and we will be home for the forseeable near future. yesterday was tough. she'd go potty 5 minutes after i had her on the toilet, but today is a different story. she has gone 4 times with only 1 accident to speak of. i am pretty pleased. we are strictly using big girl panties with no pull-ups. so far it is good motivation for her. hopefully this success continues. it would be nice to only have one in diapers.