I could stare at this face all day. There is nothing like a beautiful sleeping baby.

The tides they have turned. finally. At 3 months and 1 week or so, things changed at our house. No longer are the uncontrollable tears falling. Mya has stopped being a "fussy pants" for no reason. She cries because she is hungry, wants to be snuggled or needs a diaper change. That is it. Pure and simple. As it should be. Words cannot express how difficult the past couple of months have been, only exacerbated by the fact that I've been on my own for much of it. Because this blog is also my journal/book for our children, I didn't want Mya to look back and see postings of frustration, so I tried to stay focused on the positives. She has been a complete joy, don't get me wrong, but dealing with her colicy moments has been difficult (I am now convinced she had colic although I tried hard to convince myself otherwise.) Regardless of what it was and why it was, she is happy now. I feel much less stressed and able to enjoy more fully my enriched life. I love my babies more than words can express and seeing them happy makes everything okay. Life is wonderful at last.
Love ya,