ummmm...that may be just a bit too much toilet paper. yikes!

how many times did you go potty on the toilet?

someone is full of pride--sporting her big girl undies

the potty training road has been hit or miss---mostly due to my efforts or lack thereof. i bought the potty chair around 18 months because claire was telling me when she was wet. i thought for sure that must be 'the sign" that she was ready for potty training. well, at that point, chris was gone, i was pregnant and quite tired from working full-time and being a single momma. i wasn't consistent and gave up rather easily. she was thrilled with the potty chair, sitting on it while watching tv and using it as a regular chair to eat her snacks. it became a love hate relationship. she became quite opposed to the idea of sitting on it at all. i gave up on the potty training idea, thinking that she just wasn't ready. well, jump ahead 6 months. our friends mark and april were busy working on their little guy, which gave me the boost of motivation i needed to get back on the horse with claire. i had always planned on having both the paci gone and claire potty trained by the time i returned to work, but never thought i'd tackle both of them during my stint as a once again, single momma. thankfully, the timing was right. i had purchased 3 pairs of thick potty training undies back in january, so i whipped them out on wednesday afternoon. claire loved the idea of wearing them, but each time i put her on the potty, 5 minutes after getting off she'd pee. ugh. i was rather frustrated to say the least. this happened three times. i called my mom who reinforced my efforts and pushed me onward. we woke up the next day and i immediately put claire on the toilet (not potty chair--i decided to go all out). she went. i did this for the next 3 hours, putting her on the toilet each hour. she peed each time. it was awesome. of course, i clapped and we called her daddy and my mom who each gave her a party of praise over the phone. the rest is history. from that point on claire has told me she had to go potty and proceeds to the toilet. she likes to be accompanied--i think mostly for the clapping, but is doing incredibly well. in the week since we've begun this adventure, we've gone shopping, to my work, for a ride to the base and back, on a walk, and to the playground. all with no accidents. i am so proud of her. she is doing so well. on a funny note...i had 2 friends asking about claire wanting to be naked to which i replied, oh no never. well.....we had a playgroup at our house this week. low and behold, claire is not only swapping spit and exchanging cookies via her mouth with a one year old boy, but flaunting her stuff after a visit to the bathroom. from that point on, she was a naked little honey. i must say a cute one, but naked. that evening, we ran outside to water my plants when she decided to get into the pool. all was fine. her dress got wet, so she started to take it off. i said fine, but leave your undies on. well, she got them wet too and the next thing i knew she was naked again. this time standing in our driveway watching our neighbor "cutting the grasses" (as claire would say). what an adventure each day holds! She is such a cute little girl with quite the mind. i can't wait to see what the future holds.
how many times did you go potty on the toilet?
someone is full of pride--sporting her big girl undies
the potty training road has been hit or miss---mostly due to my efforts or lack thereof. i bought the potty chair around 18 months because claire was telling me when she was wet. i thought for sure that must be 'the sign" that she was ready for potty training. well, at that point, chris was gone, i was pregnant and quite tired from working full-time and being a single momma. i wasn't consistent and gave up rather easily. she was thrilled with the potty chair, sitting on it while watching tv and using it as a regular chair to eat her snacks. it became a love hate relationship. she became quite opposed to the idea of sitting on it at all. i gave up on the potty training idea, thinking that she just wasn't ready. well, jump ahead 6 months. our friends mark and april were busy working on their little guy, which gave me the boost of motivation i needed to get back on the horse with claire. i had always planned on having both the paci gone and claire potty trained by the time i returned to work, but never thought i'd tackle both of them during my stint as a once again, single momma. thankfully, the timing was right. i had purchased 3 pairs of thick potty training undies back in january, so i whipped them out on wednesday afternoon. claire loved the idea of wearing them, but each time i put her on the potty, 5 minutes after getting off she'd pee. ugh. i was rather frustrated to say the least. this happened three times. i called my mom who reinforced my efforts and pushed me onward. we woke up the next day and i immediately put claire on the toilet (not potty chair--i decided to go all out). she went. i did this for the next 3 hours, putting her on the toilet each hour. she peed each time. it was awesome. of course, i clapped and we called her daddy and my mom who each gave her a party of praise over the phone. the rest is history. from that point on claire has told me she had to go potty and proceeds to the toilet. she likes to be accompanied--i think mostly for the clapping, but is doing incredibly well. in the week since we've begun this adventure, we've gone shopping, to my work, for a ride to the base and back, on a walk, and to the playground. all with no accidents. i am so proud of her. she is doing so well. on a funny note...i had 2 friends asking about claire wanting to be naked to which i replied, oh no never. well.....we had a playgroup at our house this week. low and behold, claire is not only swapping spit and exchanging cookies via her mouth with a one year old boy, but flaunting her stuff after a visit to the bathroom. from that point on, she was a naked little honey. i must say a cute one, but naked. that evening, we ran outside to water my plants when she decided to get into the pool. all was fine. her dress got wet, so she started to take it off. i said fine, but leave your undies on. well, she got them wet too and the next thing i knew she was naked again. this time standing in our driveway watching our neighbor "cutting the grasses" (as claire would say). what an adventure each day holds! She is such a cute little girl with quite the mind. i can't wait to see what the future holds.
Love ya,
PS so no decisions just in case your wondering!