Happy Father's Day to the greatest Daddy our girls will ever know. I realize you won't be with them on this special day, but know that you are in our thoughts. Hopefully you have received our gift to you or will receive it early next week. Inside that box, our girls have prepared a special message just for you. I hope you savor each word. They are just for you.
You are an awesome Daddy, Chris. When we talked about beginning a family together, I know we didn't envision our life looking as it has. Two beautiful girls, crazy about their daddy, who comes and goes as duty calls. I know it breaks your heart leaving each time, every glimpse into our life via the computer, and every smile separated by thousands of miles. Your girls love you more than you can imagine. You are a hands on daddy. Thank you for that. You have grown so much as a person since becoming a daddy. You have developed patience, a love, a protectiveness that only a great daddy has. Thank you for that. Although we are apart on this Father's Day, know that we are thinking of you and missing you too.
With love,
Your Girls