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Summer Fun

Today marks the first day of our summer vacation. No more work, no more school, no more responsibility for a whole three months. Ha. If only... Summer does mark the first day of some good old quality time with my girls. Have I mentioned that I kind of like them? Alot? I had been planning on taking them strawberry picking and then over to Davis Farmland, which is basically in our backyard. Alison happened to ask our plans, so we invited her and Henri along (and Michelle and Lucy too, but they weren't able to make it). This is our second visit already this year, so I decided to buy a season pass. We typically go and visit the animals, feed them and wander around, but today we were able to enjoy the sprinkler park as well. It was a hit. Claire wasn't so sure about water shooting randomly out of the ground, but quickly discovered the thrill of being splashed on a super hot, humid day. Mya and Henri were lovers, of the park I mean, from the start. However, there was a slight glitch. I somehow managed to put Mya's swimsuit on Claire and vice versa. How that girl can still fit in a 12 month swimsuit is beyond me! Neither seemed to care, so I left well enough alone. It was a really fun day, topped off by a nap. Mmmmm. I do love naps. Nothing says a great day off like a nap. So, day 1 is done and we have several more awesome days of vacation ahead.


Anonymous said…
looks like tons of fun! What is the stuff all over Claires face? Paint?

Love ya,
Kara said…
yeah, face paint. she did it herself. can you tell?

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