just down the path from our school is this little trio of webs. the webs are rather large, but nothing in compared to the nasty freakin spiders that make their home there. honestly, these things give me the heeby jeebies. i actually almost walked into one of their webs, which most likely would have made me vomitted. scratch 'probably.' i would have definitely. these spiders are by far the nastiest spiders i have encountered beyond the plated glass in zoos or other 'safe' places. i was certain that something this big (the sucker was just a tad smaller than the palm of my hand) and nasty had to be poisonous. anyway, a little research has revealed that these gems are called 'the golden banana' spiders in north america. they are basically harmless, unleashing their venom only if provoked. lord knows i will not be provoking these little monsters. have a look. don't they just scream 'friendly?'
You wanted it, you asked for it, so here it is. A post. Hopefully this post will satisfy all your desires. I am not writing about the apple of my eye, Claire, but of the other apple of my eye--reality tv. I love it! Right now I am getting my fill of Big Brother. I have even lured Chris into my dark place. He mostly watched last season because Dick was such a jerk, but Chris is hooked. He's a dedicated viewer once again this season. Sadly, he was a fan of Matty who was kicked off a few weeks ago. I don't think I have a favorite. I find them all to be so obnoxious, yet I watch. Go figure. I obviously need some more excitement in my life. Girls who wear butt showing shorts, screaming matches, verbal abuse, crazy eyes, back stabbing, boys running around in their colored tighty whiteys (if tighty whiteys are colored, are they still called tighty whiteys?)---all in one episode! It is a gold mine. My second can't miss show is Housewives of Orange County or New York City. I really ...