mya was in love with her boots. she wanted to wear them each day. we were wasting time while chris was retrieving a load of our things, so the girls and i went outside. the moment mya saw the puddle, she was in heaven. the girl is not dainty! |
a girl can't live in rainy korea without having a nice umbrella and rain boots. claire outgrew her old ones, so we went shopping. i found these in both girls sizes. you know me, i love matchy matchy! |
looking back on my previous posts, i realize a change is needed. no more worrying, complaining or stressing. we are finally moved into our house. (i'll post pics when our baggage comes in october?) my job is going well. after settling into one classroom which i shared with a learning disabilities teacher, i am moving to a space of my very own. i am really excited as i was supposed to have my own room from the start, but the school is bulging at the seams right now. i'm not entirely sure what happened to initiate the change, but i am thrilled. hopefully i'll be settled in by the end of next week. the temperatures are finally cooling off here. i think it was 65 when we got up this morning and only reached 80ish during the day. my favorite part about the move here has been the fact that 5:30 is no longer my wake up time. yippee! i can now "sleep in" until 6:15 or 6:30 every stinkin day. can i get an amen? i am very thrilled. having said that, i even have time to put the dishes away, start/fold some laundry or other little odds and ends. it is so different from our chaotic early, early mornings in massachusetts.

my new dishes. love them and so glad to get rid of our old ones. gotta love the bx. it has been my one link to sanity!>
>>>>our bundle of joy. i've never seen chris so excited to do laundry. the mountain of laundry that once existed is no longer. we negotiated an american washer and dryer into our lease agreement because the korean version is an all in one and it takes 3 hours to do one load. try that with a family of 4 and you never make a dent in your mountain. it is awful. | <><>
so here is a little yummy goodness from korea. it is called yakimandu, which is a korean dumpling. mya was given some as a snack at daycare, which peaked my interest. next trip to the commissary and i was sold. yakimandu is so good. it is a dumpling, but tastes more like an egg roll or spring roll. i am sure they are not good for you, but what you don't know, can't hurt you right? the package is all in Hangeul, so i guess i'll never know ;). this is definitely my favorite korean food thus far.
yakimando |

>>>>claire helping me make some chip dip. | <><><><>
Thanks for some pics finally. The food looks rather disgusting but I'm glad you like it. I will have to starve while visiting I'm sure. I love you guys and miss ya. Love the boots..they are cute!
Love ya,
It was good to see a new post.
love you guys
My husband arranged a bus ride back because of all the luggage, but unfortunately, I had a huge jug of water once I got off the plane and thus only lasted on the bus about 30 minute.Had to go to the bathroom so bad, so we ended up getting off the bus in Uijeongbu to find a bathroom at the train station.
Just took the train home. That was a looooooong day!
Jennie Pie
"Capturing Sweet in the East"
Thanks for the comment.
I noticed you actually followed my H6H blog..
My Jennie Pie blog is my new one where I'll be posting on SoKo..What duty station are you all at?
Hope to see you there!