This Christmas was a very nice, but much different than ones we had experienced in the past. Because my Grandma passed away in October, my Grandpa moved to a nursing home in my hometown to be near my Mom & Dad. We brought him from the home to spend Christmas Eve at our house. Our home is multi-level, so we ended up opening presents downstairs in our family room. This change, combined with the fact that my Mom was experiencing severe pain in her hip, was enough to forget some traditions. We actually forgot the traditional picture of us all in front of the Christmas tree. Sad being this is Claire's first Christmas, but I managed to capture plenty of other pictures on our trip. I especially like Claire's little tongue sticking out at Chris and I in the top picture. It seems as though she is trying to tell us something??? Hmmm..... Little Ms. Claus is such a cutie. We love our nieces and nephew. They were a delight of our trip. Both Chris and I wish we lived closer to them. Claire especially enjoyed the attention from her cousins.