It is hard to believe six months have flown by already. It seems like only yesterday we were spending our first night home as a family of three (or four, if you include Harvest) and trying to figure out how to comfort you as you wailed at midnight. We were quick to learn that a midnight drive did the trick. We weren't sure how the rest of our lives would go if we resorted to a drive on night number one. However, thankfully, you've been a dream first baby. Your Daddy and I marvel at how much you've changed and how smart you are. You are everything we could have hoped for in a little girl. You captured both our hearts immediately.We love you and look forward to each and everyday with you. Here are some things you are doing now:
1. You are sitting on your own.
2. You play peek-a-boo. Today you actually began putting the blanket over your eyes and waiting for me to say, "where's Claire" before you took it off. It was so cute, but of course, the battery was dead on the video recorder, so we'll have to wait to capture it on video.
3. You are babbling. Those sounds are music to my ears. You are using mostly ba-ba-ba, but you occasionally throw in a ma-ma-ma. Love it!!
4. You can scoot in your walker. You don't move too far, but you are catching on to moving forward and backward. Your Daddy practicies with you nearly every night. He really wants you to get walking.
5. You scoot backwards when you are laying on your tummy. You aren't able to get your legs under yourself to crawl, but you can move.
6. You have taken a new interest in books. I have always read to you, but you never really focused on the books for long. Now you are looking at each page and sit still as I point to and talk about different pictures.
7. You hold the bottle yourself (most of the time). You are no longer getting "mommy milk," which has been a point of guilt for me. You adjusted well, but caught your first bad cold a week after we made the switch. I felt horrible, but I know that 6 months with no ear infections or other illness is really good.
8. You love to snuggle and hold our hands while you fall asleep. Your Daddy and I love this.
9. You love Harvest. You constantly smile at him and watch him. When he gives you the chance, you also love to pull his hair. He, on the other hand, loves to give you kisses. Kind of gross, so his opportunities limited.
10. You are really into faces. You love to grab our noses and mouths. It is as if you are trying to figure it all out.
Claire, you have changed so much in only six short months. We can't wait to watch you grow as we shower you with love and attention. You truly are our pride and joy.