This has been a week of complete misery---for us all. Claire has been sick. It all seemed well Monday morning, but when I picked her up from daycare, she had a cough, runny nose and eyes. Monday night was a night from hell. She was up nearly every hour, coughing and moaning. We tried steam showers, a cool bath, but nothing seemed to help. She went to daycare and seemed to suffer through. Tuesday night was a copy of Monday. Misery. I stayed home with her on Wednesday. She seemed to be doing better, but later ran a temp of 100.5. We called the nurse like our handy dandy manual says to do (yes, there is a manual--we actually have 2) and she confirmed that we were doing everything right. We ran to Target and got a humidifier. An item that was on our initial pre-baby list, but a purchase that was put off. It was another tough night. Chris stayed home with her on Thursday. It was a copy of Wednesday. Thursday night went better. She cried madly from 11:30-12:45, but we survived. This morning, we got up with the intention of bringing her to daycare, but Claire had other ideas. She was fine until I was trying to do my hair, then she decided to run a temperature---this time of 101.2. We called the doctor's office and they said to bring her in. NP Georgia confirmed her chest is clear, ears are clear, blood oxygen levels are optimal----she has a severe cold. Fabulous! No medicine, just more pain for us all until it decides to pass.
PS. is there a manual for small dogs?