Claire had her six month well baby check today. Chris and I had talked for the past several days about whether or not to have her receive her vaccinations when she is sick or bring her back when she is feeling better. I've done the research and read enough to know there is no data driven link between vaccinations and Autism, PDD or the Spectrum. That being said, I have also worked with a number of children with Autism whose parents beg to differ.Therefore, I prefer to err on the side of caution. Claire awoke this morning after a nice long sleep (6 hours, which is the best we've gotten in the past week or so), so I was all set to go ahead with the vaccinations despite my initial reservations. We went to her appointment and visited with the NP about this very issue. She shared her opinion and assured me I was doing the right thing--erring on the side of caution. During her examination, the NP discovered fluid in Claire's right ear---her first ear infection! You would never know by looking at her. She is happy and easy going as ever. And to think, I thought she was getting better. Instead the infection changed from viral to bacterial! She is on her first round of antibiotics. As far as Claire's stats, she is doing great.
Here they are:
height: 25 1/2 inches (+2 inches from 11/07) 50 %ile (+25%ile from 11/07)
weight: 14 lbs. 4 oz. (+2 pounds from 11/07) 25%ile (-20%ile from 11/07)
head circumference: 42 1/2 cm. = 50 %ile
I am most encouraged with her growth. Maybe we won't have the shortest little shaver in the class. Time will tell. Until then, we are thrilled she is healthy and very happy!
Here they are:
height: 25 1/2 inches (+2 inches from 11/07) 50 %ile (+25%ile from 11/07)
weight: 14 lbs. 4 oz. (+2 pounds from 11/07) 25%ile (-20%ile from 11/07)
head circumference: 42 1/2 cm. = 50 %ile
I am most encouraged with her growth. Maybe we won't have the shortest little shaver in the class. Time will tell. Until then, we are thrilled she is healthy and very happy!
Sorry you are sick Claire...Get out of that state and move to Montana so I can help! P.S. For the record I discussed my concerns with your internet babysitter--Kara, you should move here to ensure the safety of your child!!
Love ya,