Claire recently began playing peek a boo. She has found the game interesting for the past month or so, but never actually interacted. The other day she was in her crib (I am not sure why as she is NEVER in her crib. She doesn't even sleep there, but that is another post altogether.) I put a blanket over her and started playing. All of a sudden she began moving the blanket herself. It was so cute. She continues to melt my heart everyday.
Claire recently began playing peek a boo. She has found the game interesting for the past month or so, but never actually interacted. The other day she was in her crib (I am not sure why as she is NEVER in her crib. She doesn't even sleep there, but that is another post altogether.) I put a blanket over her and started playing. All of a sudden she began moving the blanket herself. It was so cute. She continues to melt my heart everyday.
Miss ya all,