I am officially 8 weeks pregnant with baby #2. I had a dream pregnancy with Claire, which is making this one seem like hell. I have experienced nausea like I never care to experience again. I don't vomit, I just feel like crap nearly all day, every day. Today, however, was fantastic. I was only nauseous on the way home and I am afraid that may have been due to my chauffer and not this poor kiddo. Although quite different from my first pregnancy, I've experienced some similarities as well. I am quite tired, I love water, I am craving Xtapa Cantina, and once again, I am quite tired. Last night I was in bed at 6:45--before my one year old daughter. Sad. One major difference is my food aversions. With Claire, I hated turkey. With this kiddo, it seems anything I eat one day is off limits the next. Right now, I can't stand the thought of Chinese food or anything fried or excessively fatty. Hopefully this will pass as I generally LOVE Chinese food. My hair looks awful, which is pretty typical of my pregnancies thus far or at least I'd like to blame it on them, my skin has seen better days, but my weight gain has been non-existant. I am especially pleased about the last point as I still possess an additional 10 pounds from Claire. My goal is to keep my weightgain as far from 60 pounds as possible. All in all, everything is going well. We saw the kiddo's heartbeat on Tuesday, which was very exciting as it will be the only ultrasound Chris is able to view live. It really is difficult to believe I will be going through this alone. Chris went to all but two appointments with Claire, so it will be a big change.
We are all eagerly awaiting your handwritten (secure) letter alerting us of your plans for departure. Or is that not safe either?