Life sucks. Plain and simple. As if my husband deploying to some forbidden land isn't bad enough, life had to throw another wrench in the mix. I was cruising to work on Tuesday, marveling at the beautiful foliage, singing to the radio when all of a sudden traffic slowed. I slowed too. All was well---for a microsecond. Suddenly, a 1988 Chevy pickup was macking on my once beautiful 2007 Pathfinder, which caused me to bump into the Toyota Tachoma truck ahead of me. Needless to say, the pretty Pathfinder isn't so pretty, my neck is stiff, we are stuck and life sucks. I went to the ER for my neck and to make sure the babe is okay. It is and I am. Thank God! Chris and I actually saw the little peanut on the ultrasound. Very exciting. That was definitely the silvery lining on this very black cloud. The Pathfinder is in the shop and will be appraised tomorrow. I am waiting to hear if the insurance company of the dork who hit me is going to give me a rental, which they had better because quite frankly, I think Chris will kill me if he has to bring Claire to daycare and pick her up in our pretty little 2-door for any length of time. That and the fact that he is less than pleased with the idea of being a chauffer to me. Oh well. Dire times call for dire measures. I asked my chauffer if we could go to the shop to visit the Pathfinder and collect a few things. He said maybe, so hopefully I'll have a chance for pictures. Until then, I am off the road. What the hell can happen next? I had better not ask as our house has a history of it's own.
Update: We visited the poor Pathfinder. He estimated around $7600 worth of damage. It will be nearly a month until she is as good as new. So sad.