Yesterday was a big day at our house. Chris' to do list is long and the jobs are a bit overwhelming. One huge project for one person is the basement. He bought the sheet rock earlier this week with plans to work on it this weekend. However, his Dad called and said he'd like to come visit with Chris's Uncle Bobby. We, generally speaking, ask for little help from anyone, especially his family. I will always ask mine first, and they are exceptional at coming through for us. I encouraged Chris to ask his Dad to help with the basement project, knowing full well that it would take much less time for 2 or 3 to complete than 1. He did and they were more than happy to help. Thank goodness they did. It was a long job for such little work, but with a bit of prep work to do, trimming and alot of cutting, it took time. They worked diligently for nearly 6 hours, but finished 2 rooms plus 1 wall in our laundry room. They were lifesavers! I know Chris would have gotten the job done, but I am guessing it would have taken until mid-Nov. to do so. We ran and bought the tape and mud last night, which will be our project for today. I have high hopes of getting our carpet laid in November. In order to do so, we'll have some busy weekends ahead of us. Thanks again, David and Bobby! We can't thank you enough for your help. You were amazing!
Yesterday was a big day at our house. Chris' to do list is long and the jobs are a bit overwhelming. One huge project for one person is the basement. He bought the sheet rock earlier this week with plans to work on it this weekend. However, his Dad called and said he'd like to come visit with Chris's Uncle Bobby. We, generally speaking, ask for little help from anyone, especially his family. I will always ask mine first, and they are exceptional at coming through for us. I encouraged Chris to ask his Dad to help with the basement project, knowing full well that it would take much less time for 2 or 3 to complete than 1. He did and they were more than happy to help. Thank goodness they did. It was a long job for such little work, but with a bit of prep work to do, trimming and alot of cutting, it took time. They worked diligently for nearly 6 hours, but finished 2 rooms plus 1 wall in our laundry room. They were lifesavers! I know Chris would have gotten the job done, but I am guessing it would have taken until mid-Nov. to do so. We ran and bought the tape and mud last night, which will be our project for today. I have high hopes of getting our carpet laid in November. In order to do so, we'll have some busy weekends ahead of us. Thanks again, David and Bobby! We can't thank you enough for your help. You were amazing!
It was my pleasure to come for a visit and help with a little sheetrocking. It was the least I could do! Consider it a small token of appreciation for the sacrifices that you guys are making for us and our country. Allow me to say THANK YOU to you for that!
You guys have a beautiful home...lots of character and personality! I'm envious!!
Chris, be safe, keep low, and may your time pass rapidly so that you can once again rejoin your family soon.
Our email addy is Email us once you get situated over there, and we'd love to send you a little package with goodies from home!
Take care, and may God Bless!!
Love ya,
Love ya,