Mya especially loved watching the water rush over her legs. |
Claire making a "mudpie." Her teacher at school, Ms. Valene grew up on Guam, so she was prepping her for the trip telling her all the great things she'd see. She was also teaching her "Haffa Adai," which means "hello." |
The resort had 5 hammocks, which Mya and Claire both enjoyed "swinging." I guess they serve different purposes for each person. |
Daddy and Mya attempting the small water slide. This one actually connected to a larger one, which scared the heck out of Mya. Chris was convinced she was traumatized. |
Another view of a pool. |
Daddy and Mya on the water slide. |
Chris holding Mya above the water as they entered the pool. |
Claire as we waited for Daddy and Mya to come down teh slide. |
Mya was a huge fan of the sunscreen stick. There is a whold other side to this story yet to be told. |
Our exciting day was topped off with a trip to Kmart. I've never been a fan of Kmart, but I was thrilled to have this little escape to something so familiar. |
Claire's new sunglasses that she chose herself. The girl has style. |
Mya's new shades. Again, quite the "paprazz"i attractor! |
Our days in Guam went a little something like this...wake up around 8:30 or 9:00 (amazingly, our children decided to "sleep in"), get ready for the beach/pool, hang out there for 3-4 hours, eat lunch, nap and do some sort of activity, followed by dinner and bed. It was perfect. We didn't have anything "planned" per say, although one of my friends was previously stationed there for awhile, so she gave me a list of suggestions and restaurants to enjoy. We didn't make it through half of the suggestions, but still managed to fill every minute of every day doing exactly what we wanted. Our girls took to the water right away, loving the beach, sitting on the shoreline and feeling the water rush over their legs. Claire especially enjoyed making "mudpies" and sandcastles.
Love ya,