On our way to watch some dolphins...sadly, none in sight! |
Awwww, beautiful. It was so amazing to see the beautifuly, clear blue waters against the blue, nearly cloudless sky. Take me back!! |
Much of the coastline is rocky with cliffs. |
Such love... |
Daddy and his girls. So precious. |
My Clairey beary and I. Love this girl. |
My loves. The love I feel for these kiddos is truly indescribable. THey truly are my everything. Yep, check out Mya's mouth---GUM. Courtesy of her generous big sister. Oiy! Thankfully it didn't last long. |
One exhausted kiddo. She actually fell asleep sitting up in the midst of enjoying her snack. |
And on the other bed, Claire. Clearly enjoying her week in paradise! |
Easter has since past, but I am a bit behind. Chris went out celebrating with friends last night, while I held towels for one vomitting almost 2 year old. I definitely drew the short straw. Speaking of short straws, how did my typically healthy kiddo managed to find the flu twice in one year? Really! The upside is that she is a great patient. Vomitting seems to be old hat. She takes care of business (without crying), snuggles up, and falls back asleep. If only I could do the same. In between the bolts of lightening and rumbles of thunder combined with Mya's illness and Chris's arrival, I was up most of the night. Here's to hoping this rainy Saturday is one filled with relaxation, napping and happiness!