So, the sale of our house is moving forward. The home inspection should be done this week, we are in the process of packing and hopefully, looking forward to a close at the end of February. With all of this activity, we've also had to seriously seek out some housing arrangements for the next year while Chris is in Korea. It has been a bit of a challenge with our dog, combined with my higher standards of living. I mean really, is it too much to ask not to have crap smeared on the walls, closet doors on the closets, or no urine stains on the carpet? Yucko. We had a difficult time envisioning Mya crawling around on floors like that. And that, folks is what we were up against. That being said, we did find one place that was decent--granted a prison was just down the road, it would have added 15 minutes to my commute, and we would have been in the middle of the woods, but it would have been okay as far as living arrangements were concerned. However, through this whole process, my b...