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Claire--2 yrs. 6 mo.

Dearest Claire,
Two years and six months ago, my life changed far beyond what I thought possible. You were born and we were blessed. So blessed. You have made our lives so rich, filled with love, laughter and immense happiness each and everyday. At two years and six months, you are such a little thang. You are miss independent, wanting to do everything yourself and for yourself. While this is independence is supported, it doesn't mean Daddy and I don't get frustrated--like when we are running out the door, but you need to put your shoes on for yourself, or washing your own body/hair, or when you are already late for bed, but you need to brush your teeth for yourself, or when we trying to get dinner on the table, but you need to fill your cup for yourself. Ahhh. We have to take lots of deep breaths and remember to pick our battles. That being said, our frustrations easily subside when we see all that you can do. You recently began putting your jacket on in a new way. You lay it out on the floor, bend down, put your hands in the arm holes upside down and slip it on over your head. It is clever and it works. I am not sure where you learned this, I am assuming from your friends at daycare, but our lack of help makes you so grown up. I laugh at the way you say you don't like "sahsah," but proceed to dive your chip into the bowl to get a giant scoop. Ms. Maureen can't believe how you like spicy things. Little does she know that you've been eating salsa since utero and it was a staple then. You love to count things, sing all sorts of songs--we love to hear about the scarecrow (I'm a Little Scarecrow Stuffed with Hay. Here I stand in the Field all Day. When the Crow Comes Calling, Hear me Shout. Hey, You Old Crow, You better Get Out!), and you are beginning to learn about letters and the sounds they make. Sometimes you'll surprise me and say, "Z like Zebwa." You ask all sorts of questions. I laugh when I hear you using the justification you've been given at another time--for example, if you ask for a cookie and we say "only 1", you'll say, "onwy one cookie because I'm a witto giw and I need to be heawfy." I am glad to know you take those little lessons to heart. You keep us entertained with your cooking, monkeying around, and fascination with puzzles (big kid puzzles--24 pieces with very little guidance). You are drawing circles and claiming to draw many other things, not yet understood by us adults. You are talking up a storm. In fact, you talk ALL THE TIME. I love it. You're language skills are quite advanced. I am impressed, but with this advanced level also comes stuttering. This has been going on for a month or so now. I can't say listening to this has been easy for me. I find myself cringing everytime I hear your repetitions, BUT I know it is developmental and completely normal. Thank goodness this is my job. I would be freaking out if it weren't. I also had to flash back to when your cousin Luke did the same thing. He was such a smartie pants too that his little body couldn't keep up with all that he wanted to say, so he stuttered. Thankfully, the stuttering came and went. Yours will as well. Until then, I have to remind myself and your Daddy to listen, not interrupt, and not draw attention to it. This too shall pass. Claire you are my baby girl. I love you more each and everyday. You make my darkest days bright and my lonliest of days full. You are the sweetest, most caring little thing. You have the most beautiful heart and personality. It is with such love that I look forward to holding your hand through life. You may be getting bigger and more independent, but you'll always be my little bubby or as you say "I not a giwa (girl), I Cwaiah." or "I not Cwaiah Abewwa (Isabella), I Cwaiah beah (Clairebear)." And to think each day has wonderful moments like that! How lucky we are!
Love you,


Anonymous said…
That is so sweet. You are very eloquent, Kara. I am proud you are my sister. Of course, we are proud of Claire's accomplishments as well.
Anonymous said…
Give up your day job and become a writer

Love ya
Alison said…
I am such a sap...crying as I read your letter to Claire! She is so lucky to have you as her mama :-)
Kara said…
ahh you are all so sweet. keep talking like this and i'll be writing letters to each one of you ;)

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